Politiewerk in Europees commitee

The European Parliament’s LIBE Committee will organize a discussion whether it is necessary to establish the profession of police officers as a high-risk profession.
EU.Pol, namingly its president Peter Smets, has the great honor to speak about this topic and to share our opinion and analysis.
The profession of police officers is almost everyday life threatening, stressful and unpredictable. Not only for the person himself but also for their families. Violence is increasing, police officers risk their lives for other people and therefore it is a necessity to recognize formally police work as a high-risk profession.
The exchange is planned to take place in the LIBE Committee meeting on Tuesday 28 January 09:00 – 10:15. The discussion is expected to last around an hour.
Use the link below to join the conversation which will be streamed online.
In the future, EU.Pol will work very closely with the LIBE Committee and the newly created Intergroup on Police which is led by Member of the Parliament Assita Kanko. The invitation to the above-mentioned exchange was made possible thanks to our strong lobby work at the European Parliament. EU.Pol is grateful for this opportunity to share our views.